Grant Alerts (Week 22 of 2022)

Government Funding Opportunities
Issue #2022-22

Inside Our Applicants Portal: Grants Repository

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Funding Opportunities Available This Week: 49
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Funding Number Opportunity Title Award Ceiling
72066322RFA00004 Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Activity $12,000,000.00
RD RBS 22 01 MPILP Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program $15,000,000.00
SFOP0008973 Safeguarding Freedom of Expression from Coercive Legal Pressure $2,500,000.00
FR 6600 N 29A HUDRD CDBG Disaster Recovery Outcomes of Renter Households $900,000.00
NEAPS2201 NEA Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge for High School Students $160,000.00
PAS SANTODOMINGO FY22 01 U.S. Embassy Santo Domingo - PAS Annual Program Statement $250,000.00
FR 6600 N 14 FY22 Jobs Plus Initiative $3,700,000.00
HHS 2022 ACF OPRE YE 0136 Center to Support Research and Evaluation Capacity of Child Care and Development Fund Lead Agencies $1,500,000.00
SB OIIFT 22 001 FAST $125,000.00
72064122RFA00007 USAID/Ghana Low Cost Private Schools (LCPS) Activity $15,000,000.00
PAS STOCKHOLM FY22 AICHI Arctic Indigenous Cultural Heritage Initiative (AICHI) $50,000.00
PDS OSL NOR FY22 AICHI 01 Arctic Indigenous Cultural Heritage Initiative (AICHI) $50,000.00
PDS DHAKA NOFO FY2022 01 Operation and Management of the Edward M. Kennedy Center $650,000.00
PAUPDFY22006 Media Literacy Training $50,000.00
SMY300 FY2022 YSEALIGAMES YSEALI Regional Workshop on Designing Games That Drive Social Change $200,000.00
O BJS 2022 171347 FY2022 Methodological Research on Measuring Community- and Officer-Initiated Law Enforcement Activity $500,000.00
FR 6600 N 83 Impact Evaluation of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program $1,000,000.00
USDA RD HCFP HPG 2022 Rural Housing Preservation Grant $50,000.00
CDC RFA PS22 2210 Mass Mailing of HIV Self-Tests to Persons Disproportionately Affected by HIV in the U.S. Not Set
72016922RFA00003 Strengthening Citizen Engagement Activity in Serbia $10,000,000.00
FTA 2022 004 TPE TODP FY 2022 Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Not Set
ED GRANTS 052622 001 Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Higher Education Programs (HEP): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Open Textbooks Pilot Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116T $1,000,000.00
72061522APS00002 HELIX Addendum - Employment Pathways for Youth $4,000,000.00
MICC FSH 22 0003 USAG Alaska Army Compatible Use Buffer Program $50,000,000.00
SFOP0008966 Understanding the Environmental Harm Resulting from Criminal Organizations’ Activities and their Facilitators in Latin America and the Caribbean $1,125,000.00
W912EF 22 2 RPA 0002 Natural Resources Training and Education at Mill Creek $14,160.00
UTCOPENCOMP2022 UTC Program Competition 2022-2026 Grants $4,000,000.00
AFYDE FTIF GR POLECON 2022 FTIF-Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund, POL/ECON, U.S. Embassy Yaounde $98,000.00
HQ003422NFOEASD03 United Service Organizations $24,000,000.00
SFOP0009007 DRL Transitional Justice and Forensic Anthropology in Colombia $1,283,590.00
FR 6600 N 29E HUDRD-Exploring the Feasibility of Linking Eviction Records to Administrative Databases for HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Program $500,000.00
HQ003422NFOEASD02 American Red Cross $25,000,000.00
P22AS00644 FY2022 Historic Preservation Fund- History of Equal Rights- Preservation Grants $750,000.00
DE FOA 0002759 Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce for High Energy Physics (RENEW-HEP) $500,000.00
2022 PECO 002 PEPFAR Ethiopia Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Activities $24,999.00
SFOP0009004 Countering Wildlife Trafficking in Central and South America $4,000,000.00
USDA FAS 10960 0700 10 22 0023 Engagement with Asia and Regional Economic Communities to Promote Alignment of MRL Standard Setting Bodies $250,000.00
72061322RFA00003 Sustaining Prevention, Care and Support Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Zimbabwe $80,000,000.00
CDC RFA PS23 2302 Accelerating the Prevention and Control of HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands Not Set
PAS OTTAWA FY22 AICHI Arctic Indigenous Cultural Heritage Initiative (AICHI) $50,000.00
SM 22 016 Cooperative Agreements for Innovative Community Crisis Response Partnerships $750,000.00
W81XWH 22 BCRP TBCCA 2 DoD Breast Cancer, Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Award Not Set
SM 22 017 Cooperative Agreements for School-Based Trauma-Informed Support Services and Mental Health Care for Children and Youth $970,000.00
HHS 2022 ACF ORR ZT 0051 Direct Services for Survivors of Torture $650,000.00
SM 22 014 Cooperative Agreements for School-Based Trauma-Informed Support Services and Mental Health Care for Children and Youth $970,000.00
SFOP0009002 ASEAN Logistics Support $790,000.00
693JK322NF0018 FY 2022 Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant $24,500,000.00
SFOP0008915 DRL Countering Labor Violence in Northern Central America $1,500,000.00
FR 6600 N 29D HUDRD - Qualitative Data Collection for Cohort 2 MTW Expansion- Rent Reform Experiment $1,000,000.00
Funding Opportunities Available This Week: 49
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