Opportunity Information: Apply for CDC RFA EH14 1408PPHF14

This grant opportunity, titled PPHF 2014 Lead Poisoning Prevention, aims to bolster surveillance efforts to combat childhood lead poisoning, a significant public health issue. The program, funded entirely by the 2014 Prevention and Public Health Funds, is set to distribute around 11 million through cooperative agreements. Its goal is to utilize surveillance data to pinpoint high-risk areas and implement tailored prevention strategies.

These strategies may include initiatives such as housing rehabilitation, enforcing housing and health regulations, and collaborating with healthcare systems. Additionally, the program emphasizes education campaigns to inform both the public and healthcare providers about lead exposure risks, including those from imported goods. By using the gathered data, communities can be designated as "lead safe," which can further assist applicants in obtaining a Medicaid waiver for universal blood lead testing.

Overall, the initiative focuses on identifying high blood lead levels (BLLs) and determining at-risk geographic areas for targeted prevention efforts, ensuring timely and effective case management for affected children.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the health sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled "PPHF 2014 Lead Poisoning Prevention Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention financed solely by 2014 Prevention and Public Health Funds" and is now available to receive applicants.
  • Interested and eligible applicants and submit their applications by referencing the CFDA number(s): 93.753 Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Surveillance financed in part by Prevention and Public Health (PPHF) Program.
  • This funding opportunity was created on Jun 18, 2014 and posted on Jun 18, 2014.
  • Applicants must submit their applications by Jul 22, 2014 Dates 1. Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline June 30, 2014 via email to Kimball F. Credle, Project Officer, [email protected] 2. Application Deadline July 22, 2014, 1159 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time, on www.grants.gov 3. Informational conference call for potential applicants n/a. (Agency may still review applications by suitable applicants for the remaining/unused allocated funding in 2025.)
  • The funding agency has allocated a total of $33,000,000.00 to eligible and selected applicants.
  • Each selected applicant is eligible to receive up to $500,000.00 in funding.
  • The number of recipients for this funding is limited to 41 candidate(s).
  • Eligible applicants include: Others (see text field entitled Additional Information on Eligibility for clarification).
  • A. Eligibility Information 1. Eligible Applicants Government Organizations State or their bona fide agents (includes the District of Columbia) Large cities or their bona fide agents 2. Special Eligibility Requirements N/A 3. Justification for Less than Maximum Competition This FOA is limited to State Governments or their Bona Fide Agents and Local Governments or their Bona Fide Agents. Large cities must have a valid limit population size of at least 750,000 using 2010 U.S. Census data or a 2011 2013 U.S. Census data update. To appropriately follow up on cases of lead poisoning and proactively prevent additional cases, awardees must have the authority in their jurisdiction to address case management activities that may involve Medicaid, housing, environmental regulation, or consumer protection agencies. Awardees must be able to assure that follow up care is provided for children identified with elevated blood lead levels and that elimination or control of lead hazards occurs within their jurisdictions. State and local governments are the only entities with these required authorities to achieve the mission of the FOA. The FOA requires applicants to demonstrate the burden of lead poisoning in their jurisdictions and the current request would allow for focusing of limited resources to states and local entities that have the greatest ability to address the housing, environmental, consumer and health care factors that contribute to childhood lead poisoning.
Apply for CDC RFA EH14 1408PPHF14

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Apply for CDC RFA EH14 1408PPHF14


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