- The Fish and Wildlife Service in the environment natural resources sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled "Demographic Studies of Sea Turtles" and is now available to receive applicants.
- Interested and eligible applicants and submit their applications by referencing the CFDA number(s): 15.657 Endangered Species Conservation Recovery Implementation Funds.
- This funding opportunity was created on Aug 30, 2011 and posted on Aug 30, 2011.
- Applicants must submit their applications by Sep 1, 2011. (Agency may still review applications by suitable applicants for the remaining/unused allocated funding in 2024.)
- The funding agency has allocated a total of $60,000.00 to eligible and selected applicants.
- Each selected applicant is eligible to receive up to $60,000.00 in funding.
- The number of recipients for this funding is limited to 1 candidate(s).
- Eligible applicants include: Others (see text field entitled Additional Information on Eligibility for clarification).
- This is a notice of intent to award this agreement to Colorado State University USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit under the Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit.
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