Opportunity Information: Apply for NNH14ZDA001N OCO2

The ROSES 2014 Science Team for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO 2) grant opportunity invites proposals for research that supports NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. This includes both basic and applied research across various space and Earth sciences, such as data analysis, experimental techniques for future missions, and the development of advanced technologies. The program permits a wide range of organizations, both domestic and foreign, to submit proposals, with a funding range that varies from under $100,000 for limited efforts to over $1 million for larger projects. The awards can take different forms including grants and cooperative agreements, with a typical award duration of up to four years.

Prospective applicants must register with NASA's proposal systems, NSPIRES and Grants.gov, and will need to be familiar with these systems ahead of the proposal due dates. Specific program details, including submission timelines and requirements, can be found in the appendices of the grant announcement. Continuous monitoring of the provided websites for updates and clarifications is encouraged, along with reaching out to designated program officers for further information.

  • The NASA Headquarters in the science and technology and other research and development sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled "ROSES 2014 Science Team for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO 2)" and is now available to receive applicants.
  • Interested and eligible applicants and submit their applications by referencing the CFDA number(s): 43.001 Science.
  • This funding opportunity was created on Jul 24, 2014 and posted on Jul 24, 2014.
  • Applicants must submit their applications by Sep 25, 2014. (Agency may still review applications by suitable applicants for the remaining/unused allocated funding in 2025.)
  • Eligible applicants include: Others (see text field entitled Additional Information on Eligibility for clarification).
  • Proposers must be affiliated with an institution at nspires.nasaprs.com/ and, in general, NASA provides funding only to US institutions. Organizations outside the U.S. that propose on the basis of a policy of no exchange of funds consult Appendix B Section (l) of the guidebook for proposers (http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook/) for specific details. Some NRAs may be issued jointly with a non U.S. organization, e.g., those concerning guest observing programs for jointly sponsored space science programs, that will contain additional special guidelines for non U.S. participants. Also ref. Sections 2.3.10(c)(vii) of the guidebook for proposers for special instructions for proposals from non U.S. organizations that involve U.S. personnel for whom NASA support is requested.
Apply for NNH14ZDA001N OCO2

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Apply for NNH14ZDA001N OCO2


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