We have tracked over 204 funding programs and $3,767,167,905 allocated for Construction Companies.

Recent Funding Opportunity
Trail Development, Construction and Maintenence (apply for AZ RFA08 0002)

Funding Number: AZ RFA08 0002
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $300,000
US-China Training Programs for Afghan Cooperation and Reconstruction (apply for SCAKAB 16 CA 005 SCA 03242016)

Funding Number: SCAKAB 16 CA 005 SCA 03242016
Agency: DOS-AFG
Funding Amount: $250,000
RESTORE Act Direct Component Non Federal Share of Another Federally Funded Activity Non Construction or Real Property Activities (apply for GR RDC 15 009)

Funding Number: GR RDC 15 009
Agency: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program
Funding Amount: $56,292,336
Trail Planning, Design, Construction and Partnership Development, Oregon (apply for L13AS00186)

Funding Number: L13AS00186
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $88,000
Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2026 Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (ADCMS) (apply for 693JJ323NF00014)

Funding Number: 693JJ323NF00014
Agency: DOT Federal Highway Administration
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
National Center for Construction Safety and Health (U60) (apply for RFA OH 09 001)

Funding Number: RFA OH 09 001
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
BLM OR/WA - Juniper Dunes Area Access Road Design and Construction (apply for L16AS00030)

Funding Number: L16AS00030
Agency: DOI-BLM
Funding Amount: $550,000
Transformation Initiative Sustainable Construction in Indian Country Small Grant Program (apply for FR 5600 N 40)

Funding Number: FR 5600 N 40
Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development
Funding Amount: $100,000
RESTORE Act Direct Component Non Federal Share of Another Federally Funded Activity Non Construction or Real Property Activities (apply for GR RDC 15 004)

Funding Number: GR RDC 15 004
Agency: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program
Funding Amount: $56,094,801
FY23 Reconstruction of Substation 41 (apply for FR SAN 23 002)

Funding Number: FR SAN 23 002
Agency: Department of Transportation, DOT - Federal Railroad Administration
Funding Amount: $21,000,000
RESTORE Act Direct Component - Non-federal Share of Another Federally Funded Activity - Construction (apply for GR RDC 17 005)

Funding Number: GR RDC 17 005
Agency: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program
Funding Amount: $65,460,782
Notice of Intent to Award - Holtville-Alamo Wetlands Construction Project (apply for BOR LC 16 N010)

Funding Number: BOR LC 16 N010
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $3,000,000
Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (apply for 693JJ324NF00022)

Funding Number: 693JJ324NF00022
Agency: DOT Federal Highway Administration
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
National Center for Construction Safety and Health Research and Translation (U54) (apply for RFA OH 24 001)

Funding Number: RFA OH 24 001
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - ERA
Funding Amount: $5,750,000
Indian Ditch Pre-Construction Work and Diversion Gate (apply for BOR MP 16 N025)

Funding Number: BOR MP 16 N025
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $496,031
Research and Technical Assistance for Public Health Interventions in Haiti to support post earthquake reconstruction, cholera and HIV/AIDS (apply for RFA GH 12 001)

Funding Number: RFA GH 12 001
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
RESTORE Act Direct Component - Non-Construction Activities (apply for GR RDC 18 001)

Funding Number: GR RDC 18 001
Agency: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program
Funding Amount: $87,310,315
Padre Dam Water Recycling Facility Expansion Project Preconstruction Activities (apply for 09SF350255)

Funding Number: 09SF350255
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region
Funding Amount: $1,612,500
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program CFDA Number 84.041C (apply for ED GRANTS 022813 001)

Funding Number: ED GRANTS 022813 001
Agency: Department of Education
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program CFDA Number 84.041C (apply for ED GRANTS 041919 005)

Funding Number: ED GRANTS 041919 005
Agency: Department of Education
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Construction in Indian Country Small Grant Program (apply for FR 5415 N 42)

Funding Number: FR 5415 N 42
Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development
Funding Amount: $125,000
National Center for Construction Safety and Health Research and Translation (U60) (apply for RFA OH 13 001)

Funding Number: RFA OH 13 001
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Funding Amount: $5,750,000
Construction Grant Program (apply for 2008 NIST 01)

Funding Number: 2008 NIST 01
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent

Funding Number: BLM CA RFA 10 0004
Agency: Department of the Interior
Funding Amount: $260,000
RESTORE Act Direct Component - Non-Construction Activities (apply for GR RDC 24 001)

Funding Number: GR RDC 24 001
Agency: Department of the Treasury, U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program
Funding Amount: $110,099,450


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