We have tracked over 165 funding programs and $529,685,496 allocated for Salmon Conservation and Research.

Recent Funding Opportunity
BLM ID Youth Employment Program Salmon (apply for BLM ID NOI 09 0995)

Funding Number: BLM ID NOI 09 0995
Agency: Department of the Interior
Funding Amount: $116,000
Upper Salmon Sub-basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Improvements (apply for BOR PN 17 N005)

Funding Number: BOR PN 17 N005
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $180,000
Salmon Kill Enhancement and Restoration Project (apply for F18AS00241)

Funding Number: F18AS00241
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Monitor and Evaluate Hatchery Production of Spring Chinook Salmon (apply for F18AS00002)

Funding Number: F18AS00002
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $50,000
Juvenile Salmonid Habitat Restoration Downstream of Highway 20 Bridge, Yuba River CA (apply for F16AS00234)

Funding Number: F16AS00234
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $1,700,000
Food For Fish: Reintegrating floodplain food web productivity into the River Aquatic Ecosystem to Benefit Juvenile Salmon (apply for BOR MP 19 N014)

Funding Number: BOR MP 19 N014
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (apply for NOAA NMFS WCRO 2019 2005933)

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS WCRO 2019 2005933
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $25,000,000
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (apply for NMFS NWRO 2009 2001656)

Funding Number: NMFS NWRO 2009 2001656
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent

Funding Number: NNH12ZDA006O APEXMO2
Agency: NASA Headquarters
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Salmon River Floodplain and Mine Tailing Restoration Phase I (apply for F14AS00290)

Funding Number: F14AS00290
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $30,000
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project (apply for R12AS20035)

Funding Number: R12AS20035
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation Mid Pacific Region
Funding Amount: $568,000
F24AS00364 Feather River/Sutter Bypass Nelson Slough (CDFW Nelson Slough Unit) Floodplain Feasibility for Juvenile Salmonid Habitat Improvement (apply for F24AS00364)

Funding Number: F24AS00364
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $265,000
Conduct Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Escapement Enumeration Projects (apply for F16AS00416)

Funding Number: F16AS00416
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $35,139
Bogus Creek Salmon Studies (apply for FWS R8 YREKA FISHERIES FP 02)

Funding Number: FWS R8 YREKA FISHERIES FP 02
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $20,485
Salmon Conservation and Research Interim Facility, Operations and Maintenance (apply for BOR MP N026)

Funding Number: BOR MP N026
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $1,896,461
Estimation of Chinook Salmon Ecapement in Togiak River Watershed (apply for 70181AR039)

Funding Number: 70181AR039
Agency: Region 7
Funding Amount: $145,755
Assessment of salmonid rearing habitat and growth rate in the Upper Sacramento River watershed above Lake Shasta (apply for R16AN20004)

Funding Number: R16AN20004
Agency: DOI-BOR
Funding Amount: $456,012
Increase Knowledge of and Effects on Fish of the Microsporidian Pasasite Nucleospora salmonis (apply for FWS 2011 14226)

Funding Number: FWS 2011 14226
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $20,000
Yukon River Salmon Research and Management Assistance FY2016 (apply for F15AS00326)

Funding Number: F15AS00326
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $150,000
F24AS00190 - Yukon River Salmon Research and Management Assistance FY 2024 (apply for F24AS00190)

Funding Number: F24AS00190
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $120,000
Lower American River Salmonid Spawning and Rearing Habitat Restoration (apply for R14AN20007)

Funding Number: R14AN20007
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $5,864,878
Research Grants Coho Salmon and Storm water Project (apply for F14AS00161)

Funding Number: F14AS00161
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $80,000
Sacramento River Salmonid Passage Model for Data Assessment in Real Time (apply for R15AN20022)

Funding Number: R15AN20022
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $387,563

Funding Number: F15AS00243
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $119,904
Enhanced Acoustic Tagging, Analysis, and Real-time Monitoring of Wild and Hatchery Salmonids in the Sacramento River Valley (apply for BOR MP 19 N017)

Funding Number: BOR MP 19 N017
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent


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