Browse and view government and federal funding opportunities categorized under Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification) Regional Development in 2024/2025. We have tracked, categorized under Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification) Regional Development, over 33 funding programs and $62,545,000 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
FY2016 Regional Innovation Strategies Program Apply for EDA HDQ OIE 2016 2004868

Funding Number: EDA HDQ OIE 2016 2004868
Agency: DOC
Funding Amount: $500,000
FY 2016 EDA University Center Economic Development Program Competition - Philadelphia Regional Office Apply for EDA PHI TA PRO 2016 2004818

Funding Number: EDA PHI TA PRO 2016 2004818
Agency: DOC
Funding Amount: $200,000
FY 2016 – FY 2019 EDA Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program Apply for EDA HDQ TA HDQ 2016 2004759

Funding Number: EDA HDQ TA HDQ 2016 2004759
Agency: DOC
Funding Amount: $300,000
FY 2011 Public Works, Economic Adjustment, and GCCMIF Programs Opportunity Apply for EDA10142010EDAP

Funding Number: EDA10142010EDAP
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY 2010 University Center Economic Development Program Apply for EDAFY2010UC

Funding Number: EDAFY2010UC
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $200,000
Community TAA Program Opportunity Apply for EDA01112009COMMUNITYTAA

Funding Number: EDA01112009COMMUNITYTAA
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY 09 University Center Economic Development Program Apply for EDAFY2009UC

Funding Number: EDAFY2009UC
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $200,000
FY 2012 Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs Opportunity Apply for FY2012EDAP111811

Funding Number: FY2012EDAP111811
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
i6 Green Apply for I6GREENEDA031011

Funding Number: I6GREENEDA031011
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
FY 2011 Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs Opportunity Apply for EDA11242010PAT

Funding Number: EDA11242010PAT
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Space Coast RIC Apply for EDA09012010SPACECOASTRIC

Funding Number: EDA09012010SPACECOASTRIC
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $10,000,000
Triple Bottom Line Accounting Competition Apply for EDA07012010TBL

Funding Number: EDA07012010TBL
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $500,000
FY 2010 Cluster Mapping Research Opportunity Apply for EDA05192010CLUSTERMAPPINGRESEARCH

Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
i6 Challenge Apply for EDA05032010I6

Funding Number: EDA05032010I6
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
EDD and CEDS Evaluation Research Project Apply for EDA072709RESEARCH

Funding Number: EDA072709RESEARCH
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $460,000
Economic Development Assistance Programs Apply for EDA06222009EDAP

Funding Number: EDA06222009EDAP
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Governance and Civil Society in Syria Apply for NEAAC ACSYRIA 15 005

Funding Number: NEAAC ACSYRIA 15 005
Agency: Near East Affairs Assistance Coordination
Funding Amount: $42,000,000
FY2015 Regional Innovation Strategies Program Apply for EDA HDQ OIE 2015 2004566

Funding Number: EDA HDQ OIE 2015 2004566
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $500,000
Innovative Metrics for Economic Development Proof of Concept Study Apply for EDA HDQ RNTA 2015 2004523

Funding Number: EDA HDQ RNTA 2015 2004523
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $300,000
Abyei Civil Society Strengthening Pilot Program Apply for AFPG AFUSSES 15 003

Funding Number: AFPG AFUSSES 15 003
Agency: Bureau of African Affairs
Funding Amount: $250,000
FY 2015 Economic Development Assistance Programs Application submission and program requirements for EDAs Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs Apply for EDAP2015

Funding Number: EDAP2015
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY 2014 Regional Innovation Grants Apply for EDA HDQ OIE 2014 2004219

Funding Number: EDA HDQ OIE 2014 2004219
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $500,000
FY 2014 Economic Development Assistance Programs Apply for EDAP2014

Funding Number: EDAP2014
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY 2013 University Center Economic Development Program Competition Apply for EDAFY2013UC

Funding Number: EDAFY2013UC
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $200,000
FY 2013 Economic Development Assistance Programs Apply for EDAP2013

Funding Number: EDAP2013
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program Apply for EDAPLANNING2012

Funding Number: EDAPLANNING2012
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $100,000
FY 2012 Evaluation Project to Assess Best Practices in EDAs University Center Program Apply for 2012RNTA

Funding Number: 2012RNTA
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $300,000
Strong Cities, Strong Communities Visioning Challenge Apply for 2012SC2

Funding Number: 2012SC2
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
2012 i6 CHALLENGE Apply for I62012

Funding Number: I62012
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
FY 2012 University Center Economic Development Program Competition Apply for EDAFY2012UC

Funding Number: EDAFY2012UC
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $200,000
FY 2011 Promoting Sustainable Working Waterfronts A Toolkit for Community and Economic Development Practitioners Apply for WORKINGWATERFRONTSJULY72011

Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $300,000
FY 2011 FDI and Exports Best Practices Project Apply for EDA070611FDI

Funding Number: EDA070611FDI
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $200,000
FY 2011 Research Design Project Apply for EDA070611RESEARCH

Funding Number: EDA070611RESEARCH
Agency: Economic Development Administration
Funding Amount: $335,000


Inside Applicants Portal

  • Grants Repository - Access current and historic funding opportunities with ease. Thousands of funding opportunities are published every week. We can help you sort through the database and find the eligible ones to apply for.
  • Applicant Video Guides - The grant application process can be challenging to follow. We can help you with intuitive video guides to speed up the process and eliminate errors in submissions.
  • Grant Proposal Wizard - We have developed a network of private funding organizations and investors across the United States. We can reach out and submit your proposal to these contacts to maximize your chances of getting the funding you need.
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