Browse and view government and federal funding opportunities from DOI-BLM in 2024/2025. We have tracked, from DOI-BLM, over 162 funding programs and $57,906,206 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Museum Collections Management Apply for L16AS00190

Funding Number: L16AS00190
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $10,000
Salmon Field Office Education and Outreach Apply for L16AS00167

Funding Number: L16AS00167
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $15,000
Curlew Restoration and Monitoring Apply for L16AS00197

Funding Number: L16AS00197
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $40,000
BLM CO Northwest District Hazardous Fuels and Forest Management Activities. Apply for L16AS00204

Funding Number: L16AS00204
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
BLM Utah Monticello Field Office Local School Outdoor Education Program Apply for L16AS00196

Funding Number: L16AS00196
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $500
BLM Colorado Research and Experimentation Using Native Seed Resources. Apply for L16AS00193

Funding Number: L16AS00193
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $275,000
BLM-OR/WA, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Habitat Restoration, Vale District Apply for L16AS00160

Funding Number: L16AS00160
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $25,000
BLM-AK Educational Internships for Campbell Creek Science Center Apply for L16AS00189

Funding Number: L16AS00189
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $250,000
BLM CA Avian Conservation Population Habitat Monitoring Apply for L16AS00176

Funding Number: L16AS00176
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $500,000
BLM CA Archaeological Partnership Conservation Outreach Education Apply for L16AS00174

Funding Number: L16AS00174
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $350,000
BLM-AZ, Black Canyon Heritage Park Public Information Center (PDO) Apply for L16AS00188

Funding Number: L16AS00188
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $150,000
BLM-CO Northwest Colorado Forestry Good Neighbor Project Apply for L16AS00191

Funding Number: L16AS00191
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Postfire Landscape Recovery Apply for L16AS00175

Funding Number: L16AS00175
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $500,000
BLM-CO Youth Conservation Corps Initiative Apply for L16AS00187

Funding Number: L16AS00187
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $4,000,000
BLM OR-WA Botanical Training and Assistance for Technical Plant Groups in Oregon and Idaho Apply for L16AS00185

Funding Number: L16AS00185
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $39,500
BLM-CO Youth Intern Initiative Apply for L16AS00184

Funding Number: L16AS00184
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $4,000,000
BLM (Eastern States), Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse ONA Artifact Curation, Southeastern States District, Jupiter, FL. Apply for L16AS00186

Funding Number: L16AS00186
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $40,291
BLM-OR Jackson and Josephine Counties Weed Management Apply for L16AS00182

Funding Number: L16AS00182
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $10,000
BLM OR-WA CCS Listing prevention of thin leaved peavine Apply for L16AS00180

Funding Number: L16AS00180
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $27,000
BLM-New Mexico Travel and Transportation Process, Albuquerque District, Rio Puerco Field Office â¿¿ Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) Apply for L16AS00179

Funding Number: L16AS00179
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
BLM OR-WA Drought and Sagebrush: Management Implications Apply for L16AS00178

Funding Number: L16AS00178
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $21,000
BLM OR-WA Stream and Riparian Restoration, Burns District Apply for L16AS00172

Funding Number: L16AS00172
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $41,300
Veteran and Youth crew Pinyon-Juniper thinning and Hazard Tree Removal Project. Apply for L16AS00181

Funding Number: L16AS00181
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $750,000
BLM OR/WA - San Juan Islands Terrestrial Managers Partnership Apply for L16AS00173

Funding Number: L16AS00173
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $16,900
BLM Utah Reptile and Amphibian Inventory and Monitoring Apply for L16AS00171

Funding Number: L16AS00171
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $42,000
BLM-New Mexico, Crude Helium Enrichment Unit Project Apply for L16AS00168

Funding Number: L16AS00168
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $10,500,000
BLM-Alaska, Forty-mile Caribou Habitat Relationships Apply for L16AS00166

Funding Number: L16AS00166
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $220,000
BLM OR-WA, Prairie Plant Conservation, Restoration and Outreach Projects Apply for L16AS00164

Funding Number: L16AS00164
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $43,000
BLM OR/WA - Native Plant Restoration, Northwestern Oregon Apply for L16AS00165

Funding Number: L16AS00165
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $14,000
BLM Utah Monticello Field Office Ethnographic Information Partnership Apply for L16AS00163

Funding Number: L16AS00163
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $40,000
BLM Utah Connecting With Communities Project Apply for L16AS00162

Funding Number: L16AS00162
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $20,000
BLM OR-WA Kettle and Sanpoil Rivers Subbasin Restoration, Spokane District Apply for L16AS00156

Funding Number: L16AS00156
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $35,000
BLM- CO Southwest District Human Impact Monitoring Research. Apply for L16AS00155

Funding Number: L16AS00155
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
BLM AZ Tucson Field Office Youth Natural Resource Conservation and Monitoring Interns (TFO) Apply for L16AS00158

Funding Number: L16AS00158
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $400,000
BLM NV Mojave Desert Biological Soil Crust Research Apply for L16AS00157

Funding Number: L16AS00157
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $90,000
BLM-Alaska, Invasive, Rare Species and Vegetation Monitoring Apply for L16AS00159

Funding Number: L16AS00159
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $250,000
BLM NV Seed Strategy Implementation Nevada State Office NV Apply for L16AS00153

Funding Number: L16AS00153
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $499,000
BLM-New Mexico Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) Salado Canyon Project Apply for L16AS00033

Funding Number: L16AS00033
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
BLM NV Implementation of Environmental Education and Interpretation Projects Nevada State Office NV Apply for L16AS00154

Funding Number: L16AS00154
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $250,000
BLM-NewMexico Archaeological Education Outreach - Challenge Cost Share (CCS) Apply for L16AS00152

Funding Number: L16AS00152
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
BLM-Arizona - The Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU): Aravaipa Creek Native Fish Monitoring SFO Apply for L16AS00151

Funding Number: L16AS00151
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $150,000
BLM OR-WA CCS Cultural Rimrock Draw Rockshelter, Burns District Apply for L16AS00150

Funding Number: L16AS00150
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $35,000
BLM-MT Improved Genetic Tree Seed Stock, Montana State Office Apply for L16AS00126

Funding Number: L16AS00126
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $6,000
Fergus Triangle Prescribed Burn Apply for L16AS00082

Funding Number: L16AS00082
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $110,000
BLM-MT Bird Inventory and Monitoring: Large Scale Riparian Monitoring and Responses to Land Management Actions Apply for L16AS00096

Funding Number: L16AS00096
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $25,000
BLM OR-WA Youth Employment and Education, Spokane District Apply for L16AS00148

Funding Number: L16AS00148
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $5,000
BLM-NM Tree-Ring Studies in New Mexico (Challenge Cost Share) Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) Apply for L16AS00071

Funding Number: L16AS00071
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $100,000
BLM OR-WA Youth Services, Clackamas County, Oregon Apply for L16AS00141

Funding Number: L16AS00141
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $15,000
BLM Utah Biomass Resources Partnership Project Apply for L16AS00144

Funding Number: L16AS00144
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $50,000
BLM Utah GSENM Pollen Core and Ethnobotany Analysis Apply for L16AS00143

Funding Number: L16AS00143
Agency: DOI-BLM
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $30,000


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