Browse and view government and federal funding opportunities from HHS-ACL in 2025/2026. We have tracked, from HHS-ACL, over 60 funding programs and $27,834,310 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Native American Independent Living Demonstration Project Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD IL 0184

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD IL 0184
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $250,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Accessible Transportation Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DPGE 0159

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DPGE 0159
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $500,000
Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNEM 0178

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNEM 0178
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $250,000
Training and Technical Assistance Center for State Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Delivery Systems Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNTA 0179

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNTA 0179
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $400,000
Diversity Community of Practice Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNDC 0180

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNDC 0180
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $350,000
Centers for Independent Living Competition Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD IL 0175

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD IL 0175
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $218,997
UCEDD Network Diversity and Inclusion Training Action Planning Grant Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DDTI 0173

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DDTI 0173
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $300,000
Alzheimer's Disease Initiative - Specialized Supportive Services (ADI-SSS) Project Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF 2016) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA ALGG 0152

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA ALGG 0152
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Self-Advocacy Resource Center Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNRC 0176

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNRC 0176
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $400,000
Senior Medicare Patrol Projects - Empowering Seniors to Prevent Health Care Fraud Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP MP 0183

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP MP 0183
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $282,950
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service National Training Initiatives, Diversity Fellowships and Partnership Planning Grants Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DDTI 0171

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DDTI 0171
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $40,000
Business Acumen for Disability Organizations Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNBA 0177

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOD DNBA 0177
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $750,000
Learning Collaboratives for Advanced Business Acumen Skills Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP PPBA 0181

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP PPBA 0181
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $500,000
Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase II 93.433 HHS/ACL/NIDILRR Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR BISB 0182

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR BISB 0182
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $575,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DPGE 0157

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DPGE 0157
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $500,000
2016 Lifespan Respite Care Program: Grants to New States Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP LRLR 0166

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP LRLR 0166
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $200,000
FY2016 Lifespan Respite Care Program--Competing Program Expansion Supplements Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP LRLI 0174

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP LRLI 0174
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $150,000
Assistive Technology Act National Activities: State Training and Technical Assistance for Assistive Technology Programs and National Assistive Technology Public Internet Site Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP ATTA 0172

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP ATTA 0172
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $625,000
Elder Justice Innovation Grants Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA EJIG 0168

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA EJIG 0168
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $500,000
Field Initiated Projects Program: Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) - Research Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR IFST 0160

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR IFST 0160
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $200,000
Field Initiated Projects Program: Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) - Development Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR IFST 0161

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR IFST 0161
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $200,000
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employer Practices Leading to Successful Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RT 0138

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RT 0138
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $875,000
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Interventions to Promote Community Living Among Individuals with Disabilities Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RT 0139

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RT 0139
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $875,000
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Minority-Serving Institution ARRT Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0156

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0156
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $150,000
Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Program Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP ATTF 0164

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP ATTF 0164
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $700,000
No Wrong Door System Key Elements: Transforming State LTSS Access Functions into a No Wrong Door System for All Populations and All Payers Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP NWPG 0163

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP NWPG 0163
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $200,000
State Grants to Enhance Adult Protective Services Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA EJSG 0167

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA EJSG 0167
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $206,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model Systems National Data and Statistical Center. Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0145

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0145
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $662,500
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Employment of Individuals with Disabilities (Development) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0141

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0141
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $500,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Employment of Individuals with Disabilities (Research) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0140

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0140
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $500,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: National Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model Systems Data Center Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0146

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0146
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $662,500
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) Program: Low Vision and Blindness Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RE 0155

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RE 0155
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $925,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0162

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0162
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $800,000
Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program (ADSSP): Creating and Sustaining Dementia-Capable Service Systems for People with Dementia and their Family Caregivers Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA DS 0148

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA DS 0148
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $600,000
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Community Living and Participation Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0151

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0151
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $150,000
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Employment Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0150

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0150
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $150,000
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Health and Function Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0149

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR AR 0149
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $150,000
National Education and Resource Center on Women and Retirement Planning Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA PN 0153

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA PN 0153
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $231,526
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) Program on Wireless Technologies Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RE 0154

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR RE 0154
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $925,000
Empowering Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities in Tribal Communities through Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Programs Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF-2016) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA CS 0129

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA CS 0129
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $150,000
HHS/ACL/NIDILRR: Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase I Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR BI 0142

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR BI 0142
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $75,000
Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs in Tribal Communities Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF-2016) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA FP 0133

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA FP 0133
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $150,000
Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems - Phase I Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA SL 0137

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA SL 0137
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $100,000
Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems - Phase II Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA LE 0130

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA LE 0130
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $178,500
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Americans with Disabilities Act National Network Knowledge Translation Center Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0144

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0144
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $850,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) National Network Apply for HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0143

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL NIDILRR DP 0143
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $1,246,000
National Falls Prevention Resource Center Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF-2016) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA FP 0131

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA FP 0131
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $600,000
National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Resource Center Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF-2016) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA CS 0127

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA CS 0127
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $1,200,000
Senior Medicare Patrol Projects - Empowering Seniors to Prevent Health Care Fraud Apply for HHS 2016 ACL CIP MP 0147

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL CIP MP 0147
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $96,100
Empowering Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities through Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Programs Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF-2016) Apply for HHS 2016 ACL AOA CS 0128

Funding Number: HHS 2016 ACL AOA CS 0128
Agency: HHS-ACL
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $900,000


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