Funding Opportunity |
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for F19AS00224
Funding Number: F19AS00224
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $46,101 |
Endangered Species Conservation â¿¿ Recovery Implementation Funds Apply for F16AS00462
Funding Number: F16AS00462
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $66,316 |
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Apply for F16AS00372
Funding Number: F16AS00372
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $24,999 |
Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units Apply for F16AS00373
Funding Number: F16AS00373
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $100,000 |
R Package Development and Data Certification for the National Park Service Units of the National Capital Region and the Northeast Apply for P16AS00327
Funding Number: P16AS00327
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $89,987 |
Finite block kriging with detection functions: Development of a new model for estimating the abundance of moose in Alaska by building on the Geospatial Population Estimator Apply for F16AS00338
Funding Number: F16AS00338
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $41,000 |
Research and Development to Support the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments Apply for P16AS00316
Funding Number: P16AS00316
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $812,682 |
Model-based projection of the genetic effects of natural recolonization of Gila Trout. Apply for F16AS00271
Funding Number: F16AS00271
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $80,000 |
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7 National Wetlands Inventory Program Apply for F16AS00247
Funding Number: F16AS00247
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $250,000 |
Integration and Synthesis of the Scientific and Professional Literature on Soundscapes and Night Skies and Their Relationship to Outdoor Recreation Apply for P16AS00025
Funding Number: P16AS00025
Agency: DOI-NPS
Funding Amount: $25,000 |
IDFG Monitoring and Evaluations Apply for F16AS00028
Funding Number: F16AS00028
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $896,534 |
ODFW Operations and Maintenance Apply for F16AS00017
Funding Number: F16AS00017
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $3,452,609 |
WDFW Operations and Maintenance Apply for F16AS00016
Funding Number: F16AS00016
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $2,809,577 |
NPT Monitoring and Evaluations Apply for F16AS00013
Funding Number: F16AS00013
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $895,185 |
PSFMC Hatchery Evaluation Apply for F16AS00019
Funding Number: F16AS00019
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $314,140 |
CTUIR Monitoring and Evaluations Apply for F16AS00012
Funding Number: F16AS00012
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $274,268 |
PSMFC Data Management Apply for F16AS00018
Funding Number: F16AS00018
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $520,520 |
WDFW Monitoring and Evaluations Apply for F16AS00014
Funding Number: F16AS00014
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $952,316 |
ODFW Monitoring and Evaluations Apply for F16AS00015
Funding Number: F16AS00015
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $990,786 |
SBT Monitoring and Evaluations Apply for F16AS00026
Funding Number: F16AS00026
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $517,865 |
Migratory Bird Conservation in the Upper Midwest Apply for F13AS00041
Funding Number: F13AS00041
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $75,000 |
The North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative Apply for FWSR1 NPLCC FY2011
Funding Number: FWSR1 NPLCC FY2011
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $100,000 |
Population Genetics and Viability Analyses for NPS and FWS Bison Herds Apply for P15AS00356
Funding Number: P15AS00356
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $178,000 |
Geologic Mapping in Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway Apply for P15AS00348
Funding Number: P15AS00348
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $100,000 |
North Carolina State University Cooperative Agreement Apply for F15AS00447
Funding Number: F15AS00447
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Listen, Feel, and Learn App Research Project Apply for P15AS00329
Funding Number: P15AS00329
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $61,031 |
Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Apply for F15AS00426
Funding Number: F15AS00426
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Apply for F15AS00429
Funding Number: F15AS00429
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Modeling Fisher Habitat Relationships in the Northern Sierra Nevada, Klamath National Forest, and Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation in California Apply for F15AS00403
Funding Number: F15AS00403
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $163,450 |
Assessing the Utility of In season Salmon Assessment Projects on the Kuskokwim River Apply for F15AS00252
Funding Number: F15AS00252
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $25,000 |
Region 7 State Wildlife Grant Program Open to Alaska Department of Fish and Game only Apply for F15AS00172
Funding Number: F15AS00172
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
White Nose Syndrome Research 2015 Apply for F15AS00188
Funding Number: F15AS00188
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $300,000 |
White Nose Syndrome Grants to States 2015 Apply for F15AS00155
Funding Number: F15AS00155
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $50,000 |
Inflow Dataset Extension Cooperative Agreement Apply for F15AS00126
Funding Number: F15AS00126
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Population model of wolves on and near Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska Apply for F15AS00101
Funding Number: F15AS00101
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $59,437 |
Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment, and Conservation Apply for F15AS00089
Funding Number: F15AS00089
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $46,887 |
Migratory Bird Conservation in the Midwest Apply for F15AS00079
Funding Number: F15AS00079
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $100,000 |
Abundance and Distribution of Nesting Raptors in the Fox and Paxon Military Operating Areas, Alaska Apply for F15AS00065
Funding Number: F15AS00065
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $207,736 |
2016 Alaska Fisheries Subsistence Management Apply for F15AS00052
Funding Number: F15AS00052
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $375,000 |
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes Apply for F14AS00446
Funding Number: F14AS00446
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Lorene Joubert Partners for Fish and Wildlife Project Apply for F14AS00445
Funding Number: F14AS00445
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Geological Survey of Alabama Apply for F14AS00432
Funding Number: F14AS00432
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Tybee Island beach re nourishment project Apply for F14AS00430
Funding Number: F14AS00430
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Notice of Intent to Award to FIU for assessing near field effect in NESRS Apply for P14AS00320
Funding Number: P14AS00320
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $150,000 |
Endangered Gulf Sturgeon Apply for F14AS00412
Funding Number: F14AS00412
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Funding Number: F14AS00419
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Panther Prey Research Apply for F14AS00418
Funding Number: F14AS00418
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $25,000 |
Park Museum Management Program Web Catalog Site Apply for P14AS00301
Funding Number: P14AS00301
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
State Botancial Garden Cooperative Agreement Apply for F14AS00410
Funding Number: F14AS00410
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Documenting Subsistence Strategies in the Southeast Using the National Park Services Archeological Resources Apply for P14AS00276
Funding Number: P14AS00276
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |