Browse and view government and federal funding opportunities categorized under Education Environment Natural Resources Science and Technology and other Research and Development in 2024/2025. We have tracked, categorized under Education Environment Natural Resources Science and Technology and other Research and Development, over 87 funding programs and $26,836,777 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
15.608 Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance Apply for F16AS00456

Funding Number: F16AS00456
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $50,000
THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS- Monitoring of Aquatic Invertebrates at Agate Fossil Beds NM- THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS Apply for NPS NOIP15AC01334

Funding Number: NPS NOIP15AC01334
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $100,000
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Apply for F16AS00175

Funding Number: F16AS00175
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Apply for F16AS00177

Funding Number: F16AS00177
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Western Washington Fisheries Resource Office Fisheries Restoraton Opportunities Apply for F16AS00174

Funding Number: F16AS00174
Agency: DOI-FWS
Funding Amount: $50,000

Funding Number: NPS NOIP16AC00009
Agency: DOI-NPS
Funding Amount: $500,000

Funding Number: P15AS00286
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $471,619
Voices of Science Apply for P15AS00240

Funding Number: P15AS00240
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $29,503
Partnership with New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology for National Cave and Karst Research Institute Apply for P15AS00192

Funding Number: P15AS00192
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $294,000
The Amphibian Reptile Conservancy Apply for P14AS00310

Funding Number: P14AS00310
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $25,000
Fiscal Year 2015 NOAA New England Bay Watershed Education and Training Program Apply for NOAA NMFS GARFO 2014 2004167

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS GARFO 2014 2004167
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $80,000
FY15 16 CRCP State and Territorial Coral Reef Conservation Cooperative Agreements Apply for NOAA NOS OCRM 2015 2004040

Funding Number: NOAA NOS OCRM 2015 2004040
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $900,000
Comprehensive Assessment of Risk of Caves to White Nose Syndrome Apply for P14AS00171

Funding Number: P14AS00171
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $92,000
NMT National Cave and Karst Institute Apply for P14AS00098

Funding Number: P14AS00098
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $294,000
Furthering Mission and Operation of the National Cave Karst Research Institute Apply for P14AS00009

Funding Number: P14AS00009
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Sea Grant NOAA Regional Team Collaboration Grants Apply for NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002938

Funding Number: NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002938
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $30,000
A Cooperative Agreement for Education and Training for Climate, Water, and Weather (ET CWW) Apply for NOAA NWS NWSPO 2011 2002929

Funding Number: NOAA NWS NWSPO 2011 2002929
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Great Lakes Climate Extension Capacity Building Apply for NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002915

Funding Number: NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002915
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $120,000
A Cooperative Agreement to advance our understanding of and ability to anticipate changes in the Earths environment Apply for NOAA OAR CPO 2011 2002920

Funding Number: NOAA OAR CPO 2011 2002920
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
A Cooperative Institute for the Pacific Islands Region Apply for NOAA NMFS PIFSC 2011 2002847

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS PIFSC 2011 2002847
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Recruiting, Training and Research Program (RTRP) Apply for NOAA NMFS SE 2011 2002863

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS SE 2011 2002863
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Nancy Foster Scholarship Program Apply for NOAA SEC OED 2011 2002766

Funding Number: NOAA SEC OED 2011 2002766
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $42,000
2011 Marine Education and Training Mini Grant Program Apply for NOAA NMFS PIRO 2011 2002762

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS PIRO 2011 2002762
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Fiscal Year 2011 NOAA Pacific Northwest Bay Watershed Education and Training (B WET) Program Apply for NOAA NOS NMS 2011 2002645

Funding Number: NOAA NOS NMS 2011 2002645
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $60,000
Financial Assistance to Establish five NOAA Cooperative Science Centers at Minority Serving Institutions Apply for NOAA SEC OED 2011 2002684

Funding Number: NOAA SEC OED 2011 2002684
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $3,000,000
2011 NMFS Sea Grant Fellowships in Marine Resource Economics Apply for NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002542

Funding Number: NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002542
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
2012 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Apply for NOAA OAR SG 2012 2002440

Funding Number: NOAA OAR SG 2012 2002440
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Fiscal Year 2011 NMFS Sea Grant Fellowships in Population Dynamics Apply for NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002484

Funding Number: NOAA OAR SG 2011 2002484
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellowship Program FY11 Apply for NOAA NOS OCRM 2011 2002575

Funding Number: NOAA NOS OCRM 2011 2002575
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $20,000
Fiscal Year 2011 NOAA California Bay Watershed Education and Training Program Apply for NOAA NOS NMS 2011 2002605

Funding Number: NOAA NOS NMS 2011 2002605
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
NOAA New England Bay Watershed Education and Training (B WET) Program Apply for NOAA NMFS NERO 2011 2002569

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS NERO 2011 2002569
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Fiscal Year 2011 NOAA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education and Apply for NOAA NMFS NCBO 2011 2002654

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS NCBO 2011 2002654
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $225,000
Fiscal Year 2011 Gulf of Mexico NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B WET) Program Apply for NOAA NMFS SE 2011 2002610

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS SE 2011 2002610
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $100,000
Watershed Intern Program Apply for S11AS00004

Funding Number: S11AS00004
Agency: Office of Surface Mining
Funding Amount: $2,500
2009 Fisheries Extension Transition Apply for NOAA OAR SG 2009 2001730

Funding Number: NOAA OAR SG 2009 2001730
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Environmental Literacy Grants Science On a Sphere Network Capacity Building Apply for SEC OED 2009 2001662

Funding Number: SEC OED 2009 2001662
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program Apply for SEC OED 2009 2001418

Funding Number: SEC OED 2009 2001418
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY09 Bay Watershed Education and Training Program, Adult and Community Watershed Education in the Monterey Bay Apply for NOS NMS 2009 2001651

Funding Number: NOS NMS 2009 2001651
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Institute for Satellite Climate Studies Apply for NESDIS NESDISPO 2009 2001672

Funding Number: NESDIS NESDISPO 2009 2001672
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B WET) Program Apply for SEC OED 2009 2001648

Funding Number: SEC OED 2009 2001648
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Scientific Data Stewardship Project Office for 2009 Apply for NESDIS NESDISPO 2009 2001589

Funding Number: NESDIS NESDISPO 2009 2001589
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY09 Ocean Exploration Omnibus Ocean Exploration Apply for OAR OER 2009 2001484

Funding Number: OAR OER 2009 2001484
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY09 Ocean Exploration Omnibus Marine Archaeology Apply for OAR OER 2009 2001468

Funding Number: OAR OER 2009 2001468
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY09 Ocean Exploration Omnibus Education Apply for OAR OER 2009 2001485

Funding Number: OAR OER 2009 2001485
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
2010 Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (Knauss Fellowship Program) Apply for OAR SG 2010 2001562

Funding Number: OAR SG 2010 2001562
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: $44,000
2009 NMFS Sea Grant Fellowships in Population Dynamics Apply for OAR SG 2009 2001573

Funding Number: OAR SG 2009 2001573
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
2009 NMFS Sea Grant Fellowships in Marine Resource Economics Apply for OAR SG 2009 2001574

Funding Number: OAR SG 2009 2001574
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellowship Program FY09 Apply for NOS OCRM 2009 2001452

Funding Number: NOS OCRM 2009 2001452
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: $20,000
International Coral Apply for NOS IPO 2009 2001458

Funding Number: NOS IPO 2009 2001458
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY09 California Bay Watershed Education and Training Program Apply for NOS NMS 2009 2001467

Funding Number: NOS NMS 2009 2001467
Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent


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