Browse and view government and federal funding opportunities from Agency for International Development in 2024/2025. We have tracked, from Agency for International Development, over 391 funding programs and $15,240,760,443 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Request for Information - Applied Innovation Research Apply for AID RFI RESEARCH 01

Funding Number: AID RFI RESEARCH 01
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: Case Dependent

Funding Number: NOFO 615 16 000033
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $64,000,000
Climate Resilient Enterprise and Innovation Design (CREAID) Apply for BAA 388 GCC 16 00001

Funding Number: BAA 388 GCC 16 00001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: $30,000,000
Strengthening Political Landscape (SPL) in Bangladesh Apply for RFA 388 16 000008

Funding Number: RFA 388 16 000008
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $14,000,000
Democratic Engagement at the Community Level Apply for USAID W OAA GRO LMA 11 033613

Funding Number: USAID W OAA GRO LMA 11 033613
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $9,000,000
Facilitating the Free Flow of Information Apply for USAID W OAA GRO LMA 11 022613

Funding Number: USAID W OAA GRO LMA 11 022613
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $6,000,000
Making Space Places for Youth Expression in Cuba Apply for M OAA GRO LMA 11 011613

Funding Number: M OAA GRO LMA 11 011613
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $6,000,000
Science and Engineering Fellowship Program Apply for M OAA GRO LMA 11 00307

Funding Number: M OAA GRO LMA 11 00307
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $20,000,000
Global Program to Promote International Labor Standards, Improve Workers Access to Justice and Support Independent, Democratic Labor Unions and NGOs Apply for M OAA DCHA 10 SS 01

Funding Number: M OAA DCHA 10 SS 01
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $62,500,000

Funding Number: USAID M OAA DCHA DOFDA 08 319 APS
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $35,000,000
Concept Paper for Improving Supply Chain Management Systems Project (ISCMS) Apply for RFA OAA 15 000002

Funding Number: RFA OAA 15 000002
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $8,000,000
Development Innovation Venture Apply for M OAA GRO LMA 11 02000

Funding Number: M OAA GRO LMA 11 02000
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $15,000,000
AmaZONAS Andinas Apply for USAID W OAA GRO 11 00603

Funding Number: USAID W OAA GRO 11 00603
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services Apply for SOL OAA 11 000064

Funding Number: SOL OAA 11 000064
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $198,000,000
Biodiversity Understanding in Infrastructure and Landscape Development (BUILD) Apply for RFA OAA 11 000010

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000010
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: $1,200,000
Request for Applications for Title II Non Emergency Food Aid Programs Targeting Pastoral Areas in Ethiopia Apply for FFP FY 11 003

Funding Number: FFP FY 11 003
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $30,000,000

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000009
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $50,000,000
Promotion of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for Civic Engagement Apply for RFA 118 11 000006

Funding Number: RFA 118 11 000006
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $7,000,000
ROUGH Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program Description Apply for 04282011 524I

Funding Number: 04282011 524I
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $198,000,000
Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) Apply for RFA OAA 11 000008

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000008
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Food and Nutrition
Funding Amount: $200,000,000
Papua Agricultural Development Alliance III (PADA III) Apply for RFA INDONESIA 497 11 000004

Funding Number: RFA INDONESIA 497 11 000004
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Agriculture
Funding Amount: $10,000,000
International Emergency Food Assistance Apply for FFP 11 000001

Funding Number: FFP 11 000001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Funding Amount: $30,000,000
Strenghtening HIV Prevention Services for Most at Risk Popluations Apply for RFA 620 11 000001

Funding Number: RFA 620 11 000001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $50,000,000
Global Health Fellows Program II (GHFP II) Apply for SOL OAA 11 000042

Funding Number: SOL OAA 11 000042
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $220,000,000
Economic Research Partnership Apply for APS OAA 11 00566I

Funding Number: APS OAA 11 00566I
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Regional Development
Funding Amount: $100,000
Control of NTD ENVISION Apply for RFA OAA 11 000007

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000007
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $250,000,000
Evidence to Action for Strengthened Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services for Women and Girls (E2A) Apply for SOL OAA 11 000041

Funding Number: SOL OAA 11 000041
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $230,000,000
Project Leading to Design and Development of Sustainable, Scalable Farmer or Community Seed Storage Models for Vulnerable Populations Apply for APS OFDA 11 000005

Funding Number: APS OFDA 11 000005
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Funding Amount: $250,000
Development Grants Programs Apply for M OAA GRO EGAS DGP 11 0001

Funding Number: M OAA GRO EGAS DGP 11 0001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
Programmatic Learning for Prevention of, and Response to, Gender Based Violence in Disaster Situations Apply for APS OFDA 11 000004

Funding Number: APS OFDA 11 000004
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Funding Amount: $1,200,000
Building Disaster Resilient Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean Apply for APS OFDA 11 000003

Funding Number: APS OFDA 11 000003
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
IFRP 2011 Request For Applications Apply for 2011

Funding Number: 2011
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Food and Nutrition
Funding Amount: $125,000
FY 2011 Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP) Apply for RFA OAA 11 000004

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000004
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $1,750,000
Reduction of Vulnerability to Coastal Natural Hazards in Asia Apply for APS OFDA 11 000001

Funding Number: APS OFDA 11 000001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Funding Amount: $750,000
USAID/DCHA/CMM FY 2011 Annual Program Statement (APS) for Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation Programs and Activities Apply for APS OAA 11 000001

Funding Number: APS OAA 11 000001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $1,200,000
Global Development Alliance Annual Program Statement Apply for M OAA GRO EGAS 11 002011

Funding Number: M OAA GRO EGAS 11 002011
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $10,000,000
Request for Applications for Title II Non Emergency Food Aid Programs Apply for FFP FY 11 002

Funding Number: FFP FY 11 002
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $161,500,000
FFP Consultation on Emergency Food Aid Programs Apply for FFP FY11 001

Funding Number: FFP FY11 001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Sustainable Leadership, Managment and Governance RFA Apply for SOL OAA 11 000009

Funding Number: SOL OAA 11 000009
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $200,000,000
Social Science Research in Population and Reproductive Health Apply for APS OAA 10 000002

Funding Number: APS OAA 10 000002
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
Renewable Energy Microfinance and Microenterprise Program (REMMP) Apply for RFA OAA 11 000002

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000002
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Business and Commerce Energy Environment
Funding Amount: $1,400,000
Draft Program Description Request for Comments Apply for 620 10 019

Funding Number: 620 10 019
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $50,000,000
Regional Investigative Journalism Network (RIJN) Apply for SOL OAA 11 000004

Funding Number: SOL OAA 11 000004
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $3,000,000
Global Labor Program Apply for RFA OAA 11 000001

Funding Number: RFA OAA 11 000001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $75,000,000
Request for Applications, RFA CIO 11 000001, USAID s Information and Communication Technology Training for Developing Country Professionals (ICT T4D) Project Apply for RFA CIO 11 000001

Funding Number: RFA CIO 11 000001
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $7,500,000
Vocational Training and Education for Clean Energy (VOC TEC) Apply for RFA OAA 10 000011

Funding Number: RFA OAA 10 000011
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Education Employment, Labor and Training Energy Environment
Funding Amount: $10,000,000
Draft Request for Applications for Title II Non Emergency Food Aid Programs Apply for FFP FY 10 002

Funding Number: FFP FY 10 002
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $162,000,000
Expanded Social Marketing Project in Nigeria (ESMPIN) Apply for RFA OAA 620 10 016

Funding Number: RFA OAA 620 10 016
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program (EEREP) Apply for RFA OAA 10 000009

Funding Number: RFA OAA 10 000009
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Energy Environment
Funding Amount: $2,500,000
Development Innovation Ventures Apply for M OAA GRO LMA 10 0198

Funding Number: M OAA GRO LMA 10 0198
Agency: Agency for International Development
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $350,000


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